Monthly Program Guide for CWSG 2023-2024
The Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild meets at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, with social and community time. The business meeting and program will follow. September through May. Each meeting, except those in December and June, includes an educational program about fibers or textiles. Each meeting also includes a show-and-tell session in which members can show off their creations or other items of interest to fiber enthusiasts. In December, the guild hosts a pitch-in dinner, usually with a gift exchange. In June, a combination meeting/potluck is arranged. There are no meetings in July and August.
Meetings are held at the Bethel Baptist Church, 201 E Old Plank Rd, Columbia, MO 65203. The Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild always welcomes guests to its meetings. Business meetings will be on Zoom this year, with show and tell immediately following. Guild programs will be in-person, unless Zoom is planned in advance for that speaker.
The program for the 24-25 Guild Year will be announced September 19, 2024, Please join us for our first meeting of the year,