CWSG April Monthly Meeting

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Join us for social time and community from 6:00-6:30 PM.

Business meeting 6:30 to 7:00 PM.

Program at 7 PM. Mixed Media Artist Lisa Hinrich will share her work with us in person. Lisa Hinrichs is a fiber and mixed media artist living in St. Louis, MIssouri.  She has mastered felt making, dye techniques, painting and other fiber processes, studying with some of the most talented teachers in the field over many years.  Her work is exhibited locally and nationally and has been included in various Fiber Art publications. Lisa holds a BS in Housing and Interior Design from the University of Missouri-Columbia and later studied Graphic Design at SLCC. While she has moved on from earlier careers in architecture and graphic design, her love of a well designed structure or elegantly composed page find their way into her current work. She is based out of the Foundry Art Centre in St. Charles, MO.

Meetings will happen concurrently with Zoom if available that month, please check The Tie-up, our monthly email newsletter for details.

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