Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes and supports fiber artists in mid-Missouri. Its purpose is to increase public awareness and to enhance the appreciation of all aspects of fiber arts. Fiber enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels are welcomed as members.
The guild was founded in 1947 as the Columbia Weavers Guild and specialized in weaving alone. Since our founding we have grown to encompass other fiber arts such as spinning, dyeing, felting, papermaking, knitting, basketweaving, surface design and more. Now called the Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild, we welcome weavers, spinners and fiber enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels. Members include beginners, hobbyists, professionals and teachers.
The guild meets monthly from September through June. Each meeting includes an educational program about fibers or textiles. Guild members may also participate in one or more of several study groups that meet monthly, and members may borrow books and other materials from the guild’s extensive library. They can also rent spinning, weaving and felting equipment. Each member receives The Tie-Up, a monthly newsletter about guild activities. Members have the opportunity to demonstrate their crafts at local festivals and in schools.
The guild hosts one nationally known teacher most years for a workshop and lecture.
The guild holds its annual Holiday Exhibition & Sale on the second Friday through Sunday of November. Only members can participate in the sale.