June 2022 Meeting
Bethel Baptist Church and Zoom 201 E Old Plank Rd, Columbia, United StatesHybrid If you are attending in person, please be fully vaccinated and wear a mask. Annual picnic, location TBD
Hybrid If you are attending in person, please be fully vaccinated and wear a mask. Annual picnic, location TBD
We won’t have a program for this meeting but we will be presented with the program plans for the rest of the year. Be sure to bring your show-and-tell so we can see what you have been up to this summer. We will review the Heritage Festival activities and the 75th anniversary displays that are open.
Paula McFarling, Susan Burpo, and Jean Williams will host the program and discuss their Convergence experiences. Paula McFarling Susan Burpo Jean M Williams
Deb Wilson and Tricia Kauffman will host the program and discuss their Fiber U experiences. . Fiber U is in Lebanon, Mo. each summer and has a plethora of classes, displays and vendors to satisfy your fiber wants and needs. The favorite class for these gals was How to Make a Gnome so we will [...]
We will be socializing at our annual Holiday December Guild meeting at 6:30 pm at Bethel Baptist Church. It is the last month of celebrating our 75th year of being a fiber art Guild. We will have a volunteer gift exchange valued at $10 or less, hand made or not. Come enjoy the festive group [...]
The Women’s Woven Voices project Brecia will share the history and evolution of the project with videos and a slide presentation. She will share parts of the tapestry and stories from participants. You will learn how you can participate and the future goals for the project. Brecia Kralovic-Logan is a creativity cultivator, champion for women’s [...]
Conversation hearts: Bring a heart with you. This can be a handmade object or just something special that you are willing to share the story with another Guild member. We will be doing an activity with you and your object. This meeting would be a good time to celebrate Guild friendship. Bring a friend or [...]
Mentoring – We will spend the evening socializing, learning, and teaching each other with problem project or new techniques. People are encouraged to bring projects they are struggling with or ideas for new techniques they want to learn or discuss. Experienced members will be encouraged to be present to assist those who are learning.
Many members have expressed interest in being in the Holiday and Exhibit Sale but are concerned about the jurying process for items to be sold. Debbie Schluckebier and a committee of past jurors for the annual HES will demonstrate the jurying process and hopefully take the fear out of participating. Members attending or on Zoom [...]