Events for August 11, 2019 - February 23, 2019

The Things We Did Last Summer

The Things We Did Last Summer What did you do this summer?  Travel? Spend time on your favorite fiber activity? Bring your summer projects to the September meeting for a show and tell of the things we did this last summer.

Holiday Party

201 E Old Plank Rd, Columbia, United States

Holiday party and gift exchange, Tuesday, Dec. 18, at Broadway Christian Church. Bring along a treat -- light appetizers or sweets -- to share. And a wrapped gift for the exchanges. Gifts should be in the $5 to $10 range, something homemade or similar, food stuff such as jellies, jams, cheeses etc. We'll also discuss [...]

January Meeting: All Fur Coat – No Knickers

Broadway Christian Church 2601 W Broadway, Columbia, MO, United States

The Role of Clothes and Fashion Conformity in Dominance, Power and Cultural Identity – Retired Stephens College professor and guild member Patti Doyle shares some of her research on the role of clothes in our society.

February Meeting: Canceled

Broadway Christian Church 2601 W Broadway, Columbia, MO, United States

Due to the weather forecast for tonight, the February Guild meeting has been cancelled. The Little Looms program will be presented at the March meeting.

De-Stash Sale – Open to the Public

Broadway Christian Church 2601 W Broadway, Columbia, MO, United States

It's time for a little spring clean-up! For shoppers Lots of yarn and other craft materials available from guild members moving along unneeded items. Good deals and a fun shopping day! 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Broadway Christian Church, 2601 W. Broadway, Columbia. Everyone is welcome. For guild members The guild is sponsoring another De-Stash event on Feb. [...]

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