Service Appreciation Award Founder
Amy Preckshot

with Pat Donald

with Jean Williams


Long-time guild member Amy Preckshot was inspired to create this award by the pleasure that she and her late husband, George Preckshot, derived from participating in various local, state and national fiber conferences. By endowing this scholarship, she hopes to recognize the incredible contributions that Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild members have made as officers and board members, as well as to inspire new members to become involved in guild projects and activities.

It is Amy’s hope that the guild remains a vital organization and that other creative persons can find a “second home” in it as she did.


The purpose of this award is to encourage participation in guild initiatives and governance by recognizing extraordinary service by guild officers or board members.


The fund will award up to $1000 annually to an individual for participation in a skill-building opportunity, whether that be a conference, workshop or fiber school. The award can be used to offset expenses (conference fees, tuition, lodging and/or travel) for attending a recognized weaving/fiber art school or conference such as HGA Convergence, Midwest Weavers Conference, Penland, Vävstuga Weaving School, among others. Awards must be used within two years from the date awarded.

One award will be given per year. The award will be announced annually at the May meeting of the Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild.

Award Criteria

The award recipient will be selected from personal applications and nominations made by guild members. Individuals may submit their own names. Members of the Educational Scholarship Fund Committee are not eligible while serving on said committee.

Criteria for selection include:

  • Years of active membership in Columbia Weavers and Spinners’ Guild
  • Leadership positions held
  • Volunteer activities include, but are not limited to school demonstrations, community outreach, assistance with the Guild’s Youth Fiber Arts Exhibit or Holiday Exhibition and Sale

Nominees will be asked to submit a brief letter describing what conference/school will be attended, a brief budget for conference/school participation, when it will take place and an overview of how they represent the selection criteria.

If the committee receives no nominations by the March 30 deadline, the Educational Scholarship Fund Committee will solicit additional nominations through established guild channels. If for some reason, the recipient cannot use the scholarship within two years, the recipient needs to notify the Educational Scholarship Fund Committee. The Committee will then resolicit nominations.


This award will be administered by the CWSG Educational Scholarship Fund Committee. The committee in conjunction with the treasurer will keep financial records of these funds separate from the combined holdings of the guild.

The funds donated to establish this award will be held in an interest-bearing account.

This fund is open to additional donations of other individuals or entities from the time it is established. The guild will combine these additional donations with the established fund and administer them with the established criteria.

Changes to the administration of this award will require input of the administering committee and the Executive Committee.

To apply for this scholarship award, please download the application form below. The application is also available from members of the Educational Scholarship Committee and in the guild library.

CWSG greatly appreciates the thoughtfulness and generosity of Amy Preckshot for endowing this scholarship, established in July 2016.


Service Appreciation Award Info (Download PDF Format)

Service Appreciation Award Nomination (Download Word Format)

Service Appreciation Award Nomination (Download PDF Format)

Photo of Mary Jane Thorne, Amy Preckshot, Pat Donald

Guild members Mary Jane Thorne, Amy Preckshot and Pat Donald (from left)